Allianz Healthbox
SOE Care

Standard Allianz Customer
Premium Allianz Customer
25% on Second Opinion service
FREE for Allianz Well! policyholders
33% on Second Opinion service
FREE for Allianz Well! policyholders
What do I get?
How do I redeem?
- Sign up at: https://allianz.secondopinionexpert.com/
- Input necessary information to start your second opinion request such as:
- Chief Complaint
- Medical History
- Uploading of Medical Records (Medical Image Scans, Lab reports, Primary Physician report, etc.)
3 Once completed, proceed to payment don’t forget to input your Healthbox Code upon check out.
4 For technical concerns and inquiries feel free to send an email at [email protected]
Terms and Conditions
Use of the SOE site to securely store and view personal medical records and imaging is free. When submitting a second opinion request, fees must be paid using a valid credit card. A written report from the opinion physician will typically be received within 4-7 business days. For a period of 14 days following completion of a second opinion report, users can make a secondary request based on the original report to get clarification from the physician on specific questions related to the report. There is no charge for such secondary requests.
DISCLAIMER: Our Second Opinion Service is an advisory service providing online healthcare evaluations designed to increase the awareness of patients and their treating physicians. All medical evaluations, opinions, and/or recommendations contained within the Second Opinion Report are based on the health-related information and medical reports, records, images, and/or results provided directly by the User, or otherwise obtained by us as authorized by the User, and in no way should be construed to be determinative of the treatment to be pursued by any treating physician. Only the Patient, with input from his/her healthcare provider, may decide if this Second Opinion Service would be beneficial to the Patient’s medical treatment. Ask your healthcare provider if any recommended treatment protocol may benefit from the input of our physicians.