Health Forms

We make certain transactions easy for you by making transactional forms available online. If you need to make a change on your insurance application or existing policy, or to facilitate continuous billing through credit card, or decided to switch funds for your unit-linked policy, or even file a claim, then such transactional forms are listed below for you to click, print, and accomplish anytime, anywhere.
To easily view our forms, you may download Adobe Reader here!

For Allianz Well! benefits, here are the requirements:

Wellness Benefits

  1. Wellness Reimbursement Form (accomplised all details)
  2. Breakdown of Expenses
  3. Dental Certificate (For all dental claims)
  4. Official Receipt/s (named after the insured)
  5. Medical Certificate (for Covid-19 test, eyeglasses, contact lenses, and hearing aids)
  6. Result/s (for Covid-19 test and Executive Check-up examination)

Other Benefits

  1. International Health Claim Form
  2. Breakdown of Expenses and Official Receipts
  3. Complete Medical Abstract / Clinical Discharge Summary
  4. Police or accidental Report, if the claim is due to an accident
  5. Prescription for Medicines
  6. All Laboratory and Diagnostic Results