The catch phrase “Working apart together” sounded fancy as early as the 2010s when folks on various work spaces decided that productivity and work efficiency may still be achieved regardless if work mates come together or work remotely. In the 1970s, long before Skype and video calls revolutionized working in virtual offices, it was a time when Bill Gates and Steve Jobs hung out at their nerd squad’s garages and dismantled parts of humungous computers then reassembled them to what we now know as the personal computer- the precursor of all our mobile devices. Back then there was a popular TV series called Star Trek (c 1966), not yet on Netflix (take a hint Netflix), that showed people communicating on projected screens. The Starship Enterprise (spacecraft’s name) support crew conversed with their members even if they were on some uncharted planet. They helped each other plan, navigate, and basically survive. It was pure sci-fi.
Fast forward 40 years, that pipe dream is a reality. We’ve all been working “apart together” especially in the past 30 days and counting. Unfortunately it is not as exciting as the sci-fi kind. The crowning glory (Corona) of all our social fears realized has paralyzed the entire country’s work force and held them housebound and long-haired since mid-March.
But paralysis is not for Allianz PNB Life! This initial reaction to the lockdown was a natural reflex but was only temporary. With urgency, everyone worked towards innovation so that services, communication, and offerings can continue to our customers unabated.