Having life insurance is a path to sound financial planning and should also be an essential part of life. Most people may not consider it until some unexpected circumstance occurs. It is important to start early with life insurance because there are serious benefits that apply when you are young. The bottom line is it can be a better way to lessen financial worries.
If you are thinking of buying life insurance, don’t wait! It is advisable to get it early as it becomes progressively expensive as you age. It can be almost twice as expensive if a 40-year-old decides to buy insurance as compared to a 30-year-old.
But if you’re wondering how much life insurance you need, you should know first that aside from age, the cost, and the availability of life insurance, it will also depend on your health, the type and the amount of insurance purchased. So, you should analyze your financial situation and determine how much money you need to accumulate in order to maintain the living standard of your beneficiaries. With this, you will know if you can meet the qualification in the policy, and if you’ll be able to afford it.
Usually, you need to have between 7 and 10 times your annual salary before you get covered. That will probably increase if you have kids, debts, or a business. For example, if you're making Php 360,000 a year, you should consider buying life insurance of around Php 2,520,000 to Php 3,600,000. Moreover, identify the term that best suits you. Seek a financial advisor to help you understand your financials before deciding.