Choose an Investment-Linked Life Insurance Plan to Secure Your Future

Allianz Diversify is a regular-pay, investment-linked insurance plan that safeguards you and your family from unexpected events. This policy’s value is directly linked to the performance of the underlying fund.
With Allianz Diversify, you can experience the security of having an investment-focused life insurance plan that equals at least 5X your basic annual regular premium. This can provide you with peace of mind knowing that your investment-linked life insurance policy fully protects you.

At Allianz PNB Life, we aim to provide you with maximum flexibility in determining the features of your life insurance policy. Additionally, you can choose which expertly managed funds to invest in, allowing you to maximize your protection.

You can also combine and reallocate your funds depending on your investment goals. Just keep in mind that the fund you choose directly affects the performance of your investments.

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Ages 0-40
Ages above 40
Peso Php 15,000.00 Php 20,000.00
Allianz PNB Life offers life insurance with an investment plan in the Philippines. The funds available with this policy cater to your different investment objectives. Combinations are allowed. Each allocation should be at least 10% of your premium. The type of fund or the combination of funds you choose will directly affect your investment's performance. Learn more about the available investment options to satisfy your needs and risk appetite. 

Choosing Allianz PNB Life’s investment-linked insurance plan gives you access to various features and benefits, such as the following:
Flexibility to direct your Premium
Increase your investment whenever you want
Switch and reshape your portfolio
Withdraw from your fund anytime!
Enjoy a free life event benefit rider
Access Allianz Healthbox perks
This rider keeps your policy active by waiving all remaining expected premiums due if the payor of the plan suffers total and permanent disability or passes away. Talk to your Life Changer today to learn more!


Like all other financial products, VULs have their advantages and trade-offs. As a unit-linked insurance product, the policy holder must understand and realize that the product is subject to certain risks, such as, but not limited to investment, credit, interest rate, liquidity, mark-to-market, regulatory, and taxation risks, which would affect the account or fund value of the whole VUL policy.

Allianz PNB Life Insurance Inc. is guided by the investment policies approved by the Insurance Commission (IC) including the IC-issued “Guidelines on Variable Life Insurance Contracts”. The supervision and regulation by the IC, however, does not guarantee the investment returns or protection of the VUL policy against capital loss.

For better understanding of the nature of the aforementioned risks, a table of Definition of Risks is provided in the Sales Illustration.

This is not a deposit product. Earnings are not assured and principal amount invested is exposed to risk of loss. This product cannot be sold to you unless its benefits and risks have been thoroughly explained. If you do not fully understand this product, do not purchase or invest in it.