Our Blogs

Read the latest insurance lessons, health tips, investment trends and more from Allianz PNB Life.

Nov 07, 2022

6 Benefits of Life Insurance Policies in the Philippines

Learn the different benefits of getting a life insurance policy in the Philippines. Read this article for more information.
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Nov 07, 2022

Dividend Paying Funds: How Does It Work?

Consider dividend paying funds as one of the tools in the box. If your objective is to build your wealth especially as you still have a lot of time to earn and save, then opting for nondividend paying funds may be a better option. But if your goal is to enjoy passive income, then dividend paying funds are perfect for you.
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Nov 04, 2022

Investment Ideas for Retiring OFWs

Live your golden years comfortably by building your retirement fund while working as an OFW. Read this article and discover the investment opportunities you can try.
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Oct 06, 2022

The Market Cycles and the Matrix (Yes, the Movie Trilogy!)

Every cycle has similarities with and differences from the previous ones. Like Neo in The Matrix, you do not have the power to stop the cycle. But you can adjust your investment strategy. By matching your investment with the right level of risk, you’ll be able to withstand the business cycle.
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Sep 15, 2022

What to Do When the Market Swings Out of Your Favor?

So you decided to invest your money. Good! You’re on your way to making money work for you. But lately, as you were scrolling on your device, you heard terrible news. You logged into your investment account and decided to check the value of your positions. Ack! You’re seeing red, indicating losses. You’re thinking – what can I do now?
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Sep 13, 2022

Top 4 Benefits of a Child Education Plan

Learn about the different benefits you can enjoy when you obtain an educational plan for your child. Read this article for more information.
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Sep 02, 2022

Real Assets in This Unreal Inflation

Real Assets is an investment in physical assets, such as real estate, energy production/distribution, and infrastructure. It is wider definition than typical real estate as it can also include power plants, roads, tollways, and even data centers. These funds’ potential annualized dividend yield is approximately 6%. Talk to an Allianz Life Changer today to invest in the Global Real Assets Dividend Paying Fund and know which unit-linked plan will best suit your financial goals.
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Aug 22, 2022

Top 5 Advantages of Health Insurance Upgrades

Learn about the different reasons you should upgrade your health insurance. Read this article for more information.
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Aug 19, 2022

Can I Change the World by Investing?

Are you curious if you can change the world by investing? Learn more about this and get a head start in investing with the insights of Allianz PNB Life's Head of Investments.
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87 releases in total